Closed roads and a fast loop will make for an exciting ride.
Safety Guidelines
- Athletes must keep their helmets on and properly fastened whenever riding their bike and throughout the bike segment of the race.
- Athletes must exit the bike course at the dismount line, and if they elect to withdraw from the race during the bike, must check-in at the dismount line to notify appropriate event crew.
- Near the mount, dismount and lap turn-around areas, athletes will need to be mindful of others.
- Despite the closed course, athletes must be mindful of unexpected vehicular or pedestrian traffic.
- Riders will need to move to the side of the road and stop, if emergency vehicles enter the course.
- The start and end of each lap, for athletes aged 8–19, crosses through a “merge zone” in front of Moodie House where riders will need to be mindful of others who may be lapping, joining the bike course from transition or exiting the bike course toward transition.
For 8–9, 10–11, 12–13, 14–15, and 16–19 age groups — Beginning with an uphill climb from transition before the mount line, athletes will then ride clockwise on the main ring road of Lakefield College School, looping 4 times before returning downhill and dismounting just before transition.

For 4–5 and 6–7 age groups — Heading South out of transition, athletes will ride counter-clockwise around a cul-de-sac by the Uplands residence and return to transition.

All details of the bike are subject to change, including courses and distances, as dictated by the conditions, rules, and race officials.
For more details, please read about the race in general, the swim, the run, and our venue.